Office of the Registrar and Student Awards

41 The Professors

Members of the Faculty

Officers of the Faculty


L Cormack, PhD


H Zwicker, PhD

Associate Dean, Undergraduate Learning

M Adolphson, PhD

Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies

L Harder, PhD

Associate Deans, Student Programs

S Landon, PhD

W Street, DMus

Senior Officer, Administration, Technology and Innovation

J Rawlings, BEd, MA

Senior Officer, Finance

R Yu, BCom

Senior Officer, Human Resources

C Imppola, BMgt

Senior Officer, Student Services and Programs

RA Cowan, BA (Special)

Administrative Professional Officers

T Buckle, BA (Hons)

M Casey, BSc, BA, MEd

B Maywood, ACA Dip, MVA

S McClellan, BA (Hons)

A Nicholson, BA (Hons), MA

Honorary Fellow in the Faculty of Arts

AGF Wirth, BA (Hons)

Honorary Professors in the Faculty of Arts

W Lichem, MA, Dr iur

G Nowak, DMA

Community Service-Learning


A Taylor, PhD

Community-Engaged Manager

Sue McKenzie-Robblee, MEd

Senior Administrator

B Heagle

Office of Interdisciplinary Studies

Senior Director

S Gouglas, PhD

Director and Professor, Comparative Literature Program

M Verdicchio, PhD

Professors, Comparative Literature Program

P Demers, PhD

J Hart, PhD, FRSC

G Kelly, DPhil, FRSC

J Varsava, PhD

Associate Professor, Comparative Literature Program

A Braz, PhD

M Carrière, PhD

O Cisneros, PhD

Assistant Professors, Comparative Literature Program

D Fried, PhD

I Sywenky, PhD

Adjunct Professors, Comparative Literature Program

D Kuiken, PhD

J Lin, PhD

D Miall, PhD

M Mannani, PhD

P McCormack, PhD

Director, Humanities Computing Program

S Smallwood, PhD

Professor, Humanities Computing Program

G Rockwell, PhD

Associate Professors, Humanities Computing Program

S Gouglas, PhD

H Quamen, PhD

Adjunct Professors, Humanities Computing Program

O Arazy, PhD

R Fletcher, PhD

L Given, PhD

H Julien, PhD

S Ruecker, PhD

Faculty Service Officer

M Engel, PhD

Director, Middle Eastern and African Studies Program

S McLaughlin, PhD

Assistant Professors, Middle Eastern and African Studies Program

M El-Shammaa, PhD

M Mahdavi, PhD

I Mersal, PhD

Acting Director, Peace and Post-Conflict Studies

S Bryne, PhD

Director and Professor, Religious Studies Program

A Gow, PhD

Professors, Religious Studies Program

W Braun, PhD

F Landy, PhD

Assistant Professors, Religious Studies Program

C Caufield, PhD

N Dalal, PhD

J Hendrickson, PhD

D Quinter, PhD

Adjunct Professors

W Arnal, PhD

J Greer, PhD

S Kent, PhD

Director and Professor, Science, Technology, and Society Program

A Ede, PhD

Assistant Professor

R Braun, PhD

Professors, Writing Studies

T Barker, PhD

R Graves, PhD

Associate Professor, Writing Studies

H Graves, PhD

Senior Administrator

B Heagle

Writing Initiatives Centre

Director and Professor, Writing Across the Curriculum

R Graves, PhD

Director and Assistant Professor, Centre for Writers

L Moussu, PhD

Technician and Application Developer

M Ru'Aini

Senior Administrator

B Heagle


Professor and Chair

P Willoughby, PhD

Henry Marshall Tory Professor

M Nuttall, PhD


J DeBernardi, PhD

GL Forth, DPhil

J Ives, PhD

L Philips, PhD

A Weber, PhD

Associate Professors

S Garvie-Lok, PhD

R Losey, PhD

K Lowrey, PhD

A Palmer, PhD

H Vallianatos, PhD

M Zivkovic, PhD

Assistant Professors

L Harrington, PhD

J Hill, PhD

Y Orr, PhD

K Supernant, PhD

Professors Emeriti

MI Asch, PhD

HB Barclay, PhD

OB Beattie, PhD

PJ Brink, PhD

R Bryan, PhD

AD Fisher, PhD

MR Freeman, PhD

CG Hickey, PhD

RJ Le Blanc, PhD

N Lovell, PhD

D Lubell, PhD

CE Schweger, PhD

C Urion, PhD

DE Young, PhD

Faculty Service Officer

P Mayne Correia, MA

Assistant Chair (Administration)

T Khaner, MMus, CD, CHRP

Art and Design

Associate Professor and Acting Chair

C Gajewski, MFA, MDes

University Professor

E Ingram, MVA

Centennial Professor

ST Caulfield, MFA


ME Boone, PhD

P Hide, Dip AD, Post Dip

L McTavish, PhD

Associate Professors

TN Antoniuk, MDes

AT Ball, MVA

SM Colberg, MVA

C Gajewski, MFA, MDes

JE Greer, PhD

JS Harris, PhD

R Lederer, MDes

BB Sadler Takach, MVA

Assistant Professors

W Davis, MA, ABD PhD

N Loveless, PhD

A Rowe, MRES

D Schluter, MFA

J Thomas, MFA

M Whiteman, MFA

Adjunct Professor

A Boetzkes, PhD

R Ikeda, MFA

CM Skidmore, PhD

AK Whitelaw, PhD

Professors Emeriti

PF Bartl, DipAGS

BB Bentz, MFA, MDes

LD Cantine, MA

VC Chan, PhD

RA Davey, BA

NO Fiertel, MFA

JA Forbes, MA

J Frascara, DipFA, Post Dip

DH Haynes, Dip ACA

WW Jule, MFA

W Jungkind, NatDip

LJ Osborne, MFA

GS Peacock, Dip AD, Post Dip

RW Sinclair, MA

EN Yates, ADCA

Assistant Chair (Administration)

SB Szynkowski, BFA, Dip Eng


Associate Professor and Chair

K Weiss, MFA


D Barnet, RBTC

P Defraeye, PhD

D Ley, MFA

L Livingstone, MFA

K McCaw, NTS

E Moulton, BA, ARCT

J Selman, MFA

G Tondino, NTS

Associate Professors

B Coleman, MFA

J Heather, MFA

M Kennard, PEx

D Mounsef, PhD

S Nicholls, MFA

J Price, PEx

J Raymond, LLB

R Shannon, MFA

Assistant Professors

JA Hawkins, PhD

S Muneroni, PhD

L Snelling, PEx

Professors Emeriti

FF Bueckert, MA

JV DeFelice, MA

C Hare, MA

R Kerr, PhD

DL Lovett, NDD

JH McTeague, PhD

MJ Murdock, PhD

J Ogg, MA

CT Peacocke, MFA

L Rubin

B Tarver, MA

Assistant Chair (Administration)

J Brown, BFA

Administrative Professional Officer (Production Manager)

G Van Hezewyk, NTS

East Asian Studies

Associate Professor and Chair

R Dunch, PhD


M Adolphson, PhD

JS Lin, PhD

Associate Professors

A Commons, PhD

K Kabata, PhD

T Ono, PhD

Assistant Professors

W Davis, PhD

D Fried, PhD

X Li, PhD

D Quinter, PhD

DZ Raft PhD


H Aoki, PhD

Q Wang, PhD

Professors Emeriti

LF Leung, PhD

SR Munro, MA

Assistant Chair (Administration)

J McKinnon, LLB


Professor and Chair

DS West, PhD

Professor and Associate Chair (Graduate)

BR Humphreys, PhD

Professor and Associate Chair (Undergraduate)

R Szostak, PhD


SK Landon, PhD

ML McMillan, PhD

AR Plourde, PhD

DL Ryan, PhD

CE Smith, PhD

RT Smith, PhD

CD Young, PhD

Associate Professors

V Brencic, PhD

A Eckert, PhD

HL Eckert, PhD

T Klumpp, PhD

CM Landeo, PhD

C Langinier, PhD

JE Ruseski, PhD

H van Egteren, PhD

Y Xu, PhD

Assistant Professors

S Fossati, PhD

V Galvani, PhD

D Hryshko, PhD

H Huang, PhD

JT Marchand, PhD

E Stephens, PhD

X Su, PhD

BP Ural Marchand, PhD

L Zhou, PhD

Faculty Lecturer

S Dobson, PhD

Adjunct Professors

WL Adamowicz, PhD

PM Boothe, PhD

P Marcoul, PhD

CJ McCabe, PhD

LC McLeod, PhD

Professors Emeriti

A Buse, PhD

BG Dahlby, PhD

NK Dastoor, PhD

DH Feeny, PhD

KL Gupta, PhD

B Korda, DSc

MS Noorzoy, PhD

TL Powrie, DPhil

EH Shaffer, PhD

SD Sharir, PhD

TS Veeman, PhD

BW Wilkinson, PhD

LS Wilson, PhD

Assistant Chair (Administration)

T Khaner, MMus, CD, CHRP

English and Film Studies

Professor and Chair

S Hamilton, PhD

Professor and Associate Chair (Graduate)

C Harol, PhD

Professor and Associate Chair (Academic)

RD Appleford, PhD

Professor and Canada Research Chair in Cultural Studies

I Szeman, PhD

University Professors

PA Demers, PhD, FRSC

GD Kelly, DPhil, FRSC


S Bagchee, PhD

KM Ball, PhD

WR Beard, PhD

EL Bishop, PhD

KJ Binhammer, PhD

R Bowers, PhD

D Chisholm, DPhil

HW Connor, PhD

JP Considine, PhD

CM Devereux, PhD

GPJ Epp, PhD

D Gay, PhD

R Graves, PhD

J Hart, PhD, FRSC

P Hjartarson, PhD

IS MacLaren, PhD

JD Mulvihill, PhD

O Okome, PhD

JS Rak, PhD

SR Reimer, PhD

ME Sargent, PhD

PW Sinnema, PhD

S Slemon, PhD

NF Stovel, PhD

JA Varsava, PhD

J Wallace, PhD

WG Watson, PhD

C Wiesenthal, PhD

J Williamson, PhD

TC Zackodnik, PhD

Associate Professors

CJ Bracken, PhD

A Braz, PhD

RJ Brazeau, PhD

SM Brown, PhD

BWH Bucknell, PhD

E del Rio, PhD

H Graves, PhD

M O'Driscoll, PhD

L Ouzgane, PhD

HN Quamen, PhD

D Read, PhD

C Sale, PhD

DM Simpson, PhD

T Wharton, PhD

H Zwicker, PhD

Assistant Professors

E Czach, PhD

N Hurley, PhD

E Kent, PhD

S Krotz, PhD

K Martin, PhD

L Moussu, PhD

CA Stewart, PhD


LD Perkins, PhD

Adjunct Professors

K MacLeod, PhD

D Schaub, PhD

C Suzack, PhD

Seconded Associate Professor (University of Guelph)

S Brown, PhD

University Professor Emeritus

JS McMaster, PhD, FRSC

Professors Emeriti

BL Almon, PhD

RF Anderson, PhD

RF Ayling, PhD

RG Baldwin, PhD

DF Barbour, PhD

DE Bessai, PhD

JW Bilsland, PhD

CJ Bullock, PhD

PD Clements, DPhil, FRSC

C Gordon-Craig, PhD

RJS Grant, PhD

I Grundy, DPhil, FRSC

K Gunnars, MA

HA Hargreaves, PhD

RT Harrison, PhD

R Hoffpauir, PhD

GAF Hollingshead, PhD

MR Legris, PhD

JA MacIntyre, PhD

LN McKill, PhD

RD McMaster, PhD, FRSC

RJ Merrett, PhD

D Miall, PhD

BJ Mitchell, PhD

RG Moyles, PhD, FRSC

N Page, PhD

EW Pitcher, PhD

F Radford, PhD

EJ Rose, PhD

S Rose, PhD

JC Stott, PhD

MA Whitaker, PhD

R Wiebe, MA

RR Wilson, PhD

Assistant Chair (Administration)

KA Calhoun, BA

History and Classics

Professor and Chair

K Mouré, PhD

University Professor

D Marples PhD

Professors and Henry Marshall Tory Chairs

S Carter, PhD, FRSC

B Lemire, DPhil, FRSC

Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair in Russian History

H Coleman, PhD

Chair in Modern Western Canadian History

P Baskerville, PhD, FRSC


E Ben Zvi, PhD

W Braun, PhD

L Cormack, PhD

G Ens, PhD

H Fracchia, PhD

A Gow, PhD

JP Himka, PhD

J Jay, PhD

Z Kohut, PhD

V Kravchenko, PhD

F Landy, DPhil

C Mackay, PhD

IS MacLaren, PhD

EA McDougall, PhD

J Patrouch, PhD

JJ Rossiter, PhD

J Samson, PhD

CM Skidmore, PhD

FA Skoczylas-Pownall, PhD

RW Smith, PhD

S Smith, PhD

FA Swyripa, PhD

F Sysyn, PhD

F Szabo, PhD

Associate Professors

J Caradonna, PhD

R Dunch, PhD

A Ede, PhD

S Gouglas, PhD

M Haagsma, Doctoraal

J Harris, PhD

J Heilman, PhD

S Hijmans, Doctoraal

J Kitchen, PhD

M Lynn-George, PhD

R Nagel, PhD

DC Mills, PhD

L Piper, PhD

S Robertson, PhD

S Stewart, PhD

D Sweeney, PhD

G Thompson, PhD

Assistant Professors

M El-Shammaa, PhD

D Heath, PhD

J Hendrickson, PhD

A Kemezis, PhD

J Muir, PhD

S Romeo, PhD

Faculty Lecturer

K MacFarlane, PhD

Adjunct Professors

D Belisle, PhD

D Brown, PhD

S Cipko, PhD

D Clement, PhD

S Pavlovic, PhD

University Professor Emeritus

D Fishwick, DLittt, FRSC

Professors Emeriti

LR Aronsen, PhD

R Braun, PhD

FA de Luna, PhD

BL Evans, PhD

M Gualtieri, PhD

D Hall, PhD

RR Hett, PhD

DC Johnson, PhD

WJ Jones, DLitt, FRSC

JL Langdon, PhD

HP Liebel-Weckowicz, PhD

DL Lightner, PhD

RC Macleod, PhD

EC May, PhD

DJ Moss, DPhil

KJ Munro, PhD

EK Neumaier, DPhil

RM Nielsen, PhD

DR Owram, PhD, FRSC

PE Prestwich, PhD

K Prithipaul, PhD

AM Small, DPhil

CM Small, BLitt

BM Smith, PhD

RC Smith, PhD

U Trumpener, PhD

S Vinh, PhD

PL Voisey, PhD

EH Waugh, PhD

HE Wilson, PhD

JR Wilson, PhD

Faculty Service Officer

B Klid, PhD

Assistant Chair (Administration)

L Jenkins, BPE, BEd

Human Geography and Planning

(See Department of Earth and Atmospheric Science, Faculty of Science)


Professor and Interim Chair

SA Rice, PhD


DJ Beck, PhD

TJ Nadasdi, PhD

TM Nearey, PhD

J Newman, PhD, FRSC

J Paradis, PhD

Associate Professor

R Kirchner, PhD

AM Tessier, PhD

BV Tucker, PhD

Assistant Professor

A Arppe, PhD

Faculty Lecturer

M Blekher, PhD

CILLDI Director

J Lachler, PhD

Distinguished Scholar in Residence

H Baayen, PhD

Adjunct Professor

G Libben, PhD, FRSC

Professors Emeriti

BL Derwing, PhD

KT Holden, PhD

LP Mos, PhD

GD Prideaux, PhD

BL Rochet, PhD

AJ Rozsypal, PhD

LM Stanford, PhD

Assistant Chair (Administration)

J McKinnon, LLB

Modern Languages and Cultural Studies

Professor and Chair

L Beard, PhD


W Anselmi, PhD

M Bortolussi, PhD

A Gural-Migdal, PhD

OS Ilnytzkyj, PhD

N Kononenko, PhD

EM Le, PhD

A Malena, PhD

A Nahachewsky, PhD

LK Penrod, PhD

J Pogosjan, PhD

N Pylypiuk, PhD

M Verdicchio, PhD

Associate Professors

M Carrière, PhD

O Cisneros, PhD

JL Dailey-O’Cain, PhD

C Kost, PhD

Y Lam, PhD

I Mersal, PhD

A Nedashkivska, PhD

WM Osadnik, PhD

S Rao, PhD

C Reyns, PhD

PA Rolland, PhD

V Ruétalo, PhD

E Siemens, PhD

Assistant Professors

C Caufield, PhD

R Cobb, PhD

A DeLeón, PhD

D Laforest, PhD

C Smith-Prei, PhD

I Sywenky, PhD

M True, PhD

N Van Deusen, PhD

Adjunct Professors

M Allemano, PhD

DM Bruce, PhD

P Dubé, PhD

GPJ Epp, PhD

H Fracchia, PhD

GM Lang, PhD

P Sing, PhD

University Professor Emeritus

ED Blodgett, PhD, FRSC

Professors Emeriti

RL Busch, PhD

JA Creore, MA

RJE d’Alquen, PhD

E Egert, PhD

CS Hale, PhD

ME Henn, PhD

KT Holden, PhD

NE Mallet, Doct TC

U Margolin, PhD

E Marxheimer, MA

B Medwidsky, PhD

E Mozejko, PhD, FRSC

CH Moore, DU

RG Motut, PhD

E Musacchio, Dott Fil

HA Pausch, PhD

TMS Priestly, PhD

M Prokop, PhD

E Reinhold, PhD

A Scott-Prelorentzos, PhD

Y Slavutych, PhD

RS Thornberry, PhD

A Tumanov, PhD

RG Whitinger, PhD

RWF Wilcocks, PhD

T Yedlin, PhD

RA Young, PhD

Assistant Chair, Administration



Interim Chair

E Jurkowski, PhD


H Bashaw, DMA

D Cairns, DMA

JC Després, DMA

M Giesbrecht, DMus

D Gramit, PhD

H Klumpenhouwer, PhD

LP Ratzlaff, CM, FRSC, AOE, DMA

W Street, DMus

Associate Professors

M Frishkopf, PhD

M Ingraham, PhD

J Kertzer, MMus

M Moshaver, PhD

A Schroeder, DMus

F Spinetti, PhD

J Scott Hoyt, MMus

P Tao, DMA

G Tardif, DMA

Assistant Professors

C Gier, PhD

M Hannesson, DMA

S Smallwood, PhD

Faculty Lecturer

M Bor, PhD

Adjunct Professors

J Kloppers, PhD

D Larsen, PhD

M Schlosser, DMus

J Segger, DMus

Professors Emeriti

WP Berg, PhD

M Bowie

HF Brauss

AB Crighton, DMA

LV Fisher, MMus

BL Harris, PhD

CE Kenneson, MMus

AM Munn, Dip (Juilliard)

RN Nelson, DipRCM (London)

FC Pier, DMA

T Prochazka, Dip Paris

R Qureshi, PhD, FRSC

MT Roeder, PhD

RA Stangeland, DMA

HH Wiens, Dip (Detmold)

Assistant Chair, Administration

M Gauthier, BA


Professor and Interim Chair

J Welchman, PhD


B Linsky, PhD

G Rockwell, PhD

A Rueger, PhD

RA Wilson, PhD

Associate Professors

K Bimbo, PhD

I Brigandt, PhD

R Burch, PhD

PR Corkum, PhD

GG Griener, PhD

M-E Morin, PhD

AM Schmitter, PhD

Assistant Professor

N Dalal, PhD

H Nye, PhD

C Taylor, PhD

Adjunct Professors

J Dudiak, PhD

AP Hazen, PhD

D Ipperciel, PhD

M Kostelecky, PhD

C Panjvani, PhD

R Nichols, PhD

JC Wesselius, PhD

Professors Emeriti

RN Bosley, PhD

AA Carlson, PhD

WE Cooper, PhD

A Morton, PhD

FJ Pelletier, PhD

PA Schouls, PhD

RA Shiner, PhD

MM Tweedale, PhD

FP Van de Pitte, PhD

MM Van de Pitte, PhD

Assistant Chair (Administration)

J McKinnon, LLB

Political Science

Professor and Chair

J Lightbody, PhD

University Professor and Canada Research Chair (Political Economy and Social Governance)

J Brodie, PhD, FRSC

Professor and Canada Research Chair in Philosophy of Gender and Sexuality

CJ Heyes, PhD


Y Abu-Laban, PhD

R Epp, PhD

L Harder, PhD

DJ Kahane, PhD

TF Keating, PhD

WA Knight, PhD, FRSC

L Trimble, PhD

DAAD Visiting Associate Professor (to 2017)

P von Maravic, PhD

Associate Professors

LE Adkin, PhD

R Aitken, PhD

I Altamirano-Jiménez, PhD

G Anderson, PhD

DJC Carmichael, PhD

J Castro-Rea, PhD

J Church, PhD

J Garber, PhD

W Jiang, PhD

C Kellogg, PhD

SM Mahdavi-Ardekani, PhD

S Patten, PhD

MS Smith, PhD

L Thorlakson, PhD

I Urquhart, PhD

Assistant Professors

S Byrne, PhD

J Hsu, PhD

R Nichols, PhD

Adjunct Professors

A Bakan, PhD

M Ketabi, PhD

B Mgonja, PhD

R Murray, PhD

J Wesley, PhD

University Professor Emeritus

JP Meekison, PhD, OC

Professors Emeriti

LH Craig, PhD

G Dacks, PhD

CF Judson, PhD

TC Pocklington, PhD

LE Pratt, PhD

SMM Qureshi, PhD

D Whitson, PhD

Assistant Chair (Administration)

T Mish, BCom


Professor and Chair

JH Bisanz, PhD

Associate Chair, Graduate Studies

T Spalding, PhD

Associate Chair, Undergraduate Programs

P Hurd, PhD

Associate Chair, Research

C Sturdy, PhD


NR Brown, PhD

MRW Dawson, PhD

P Dixon, PhD

AR Friedman, PhD

NL Galambos, PhD

DL Kuiken, PhD

ST Kwong See, PhD

K Noels, PhD

Associate Professors

J Baerveldt, PhD

T Masuda, PhD

W Mou, PhD

J Schimel, PhD

Assistant Professors

W Hoglund, PhD

S Wiebe, PhD

Faculty Lecturer

J Passey, PhD

Adjunct Professors

S Gaudet, PhD

D Milke, PhD

C Rasmussen, PhD

J Reddon, PhD

University Professor Emeritus

TM Nelson, PhD

Professors Emeriti

CH Beck, PhD

WA Blanchard, PhD

CM Bourassa, PhD

EH Cornell, PhD

V Di Lollo, PhD

AR Dobbs, PhD

E Howarth, PhD

EC Lechelt, PhD

L Mos, PhD

WW Rozenboom, PhD

SJ Rule, PhD

BK Sinha, PhD

P Swartz, PhD

C Varnhagen, PhD

DL Wahlsten, PhD

Faculty Service Officers

T Johnson, PhD

S Ziolkowski, PhD

Assistant Chair (Administration)

KL Johnston, BSc


Professor and Chair

H Krahn, PhD

Associate Chairs

H Northcott, PhD

K Haggerty, PhD

Professor and Henry Marshall Tory Chair

R Shields, PhD


K Haggerty, PhD

LA Hayduk, PhD

S Kent, PhD

H Northcott, PhD

G Pavlich, PhD

WD Pierce, PhD

G Stevens, PhD

L Strain, PhD

F Trovato, PhD

Associate Professors

S Dorow, PhD

J Grekul, PhD

B Hogeveen, PhD

A Kaler, PhD

S Mookerjea, PhD

L Strohschein, PhD

S Tinic, PhD

Assistant Professors

Z Bayatrizi, PhD

R Braun, PhD

K Caine, PhD

D Clement, PhD

RP Datta, PhD

R Westerman, PhD

Adjunct Professors

M Gismondi, PhD

L Gotell, PhD

M Haan, PhD

T Harrison, PhD

K Jones, PhD

M Meagher, PhD

A Romaniuc, PhD

R Suddaby, PhD

I Szeman, PhD

Faculty Lecturer

A Dunwoody, PhD

University Professor Emeritus

SA McDaniel, PhD, FRSC

Professors Emeriti

BR Abu-Laban, PhD

SM Abu-Laban, PhD

H Boritch, PhD

J Gartrell, PhD

JA Golec, PhD

WA Harrell, PhD

TF Hartnagel, PhD

GK Jarvis, PhD

WA Johnston, PhD

P Krishnan, PhD

G Lowe, PhD

WW McVey, PhD

RA Morrow, PhD

P Saram, PhD

D Sayer, PhD

E Snider, PhD

N Stehr, PhD, FRSC

RA Sydie, PhD

Assistant Chair

T Mish, BCom

Women's Studies

Professor and Chair

L Gotell, PhD


F Lifshitz, MA, PhD

P Okeke, PhD

Associate Professor

S Luhmann, PhD

Assistant Professors

M Meagher, PhD

C Taylor, PhD

Assistant Chair (Administration)

J McKinnon, LLB

Supporting Services: Arts Resource Centre

Research Support and Development Manager

K Ranaweera

Teaching and Learning Manager

D Feledichuk


L Burton

Affiliated Colleges of the University of Alberta (on‑campus)

St Joseph's College


TJ Kersch, PhD

Academic Dean

BKV Maraj, PhD

Peter and Doris Kule Chair in Catholic Religious Education

RR Rymarz, EdD, PhD


RR Rymarz, EdD, PhD

Associate Professors

PJP Flaman, STD

DO Lamoureux, DDS, PhD

Assistant Professors

IM Cuplinskas, PhD

MJ Hoven, PhD

DM Kieser, PhD

MA Kostelecky, PhD

NE Kowalsky, PhD

Professor Emeritus

JA Buijs, PhD

St Stephen's College

Academic Dean

E Sharam, BA, MTS, MA, DPhil

Teaching Faculty

M Clark, BA, MChrSp, MDiv(eq), DMin

M Feehan, BEd, MEd, MTh, DMin

H Jamieson, BA, BEd, MRE, MPS, PhD

N Krumins, MTS

A Parker, BFA, BJ, MA

Search the Calendar:

Table of Contents

Calendar Home Page
Notices, Errata, Addendum, 2013-2014 PDF Calendar, 2012-2013 Calendar, Previous Calendars, University Policy Gateway

Welcome from the President


Academic Schedule
 11Major Deadlines from the 2013-2014 Academic Schedule
 11.1Academic Schedule 2013-2014 (monthly listing of academic events on campus)

Undergraduate Application Deadlines for Admission and Readmission

Undergraduate Admission
 13 Admission to Undergraduate Programs
 14General Admission Requirements
 15Admission Requirements by Faculty
 16Admission for International Baccalaureate and Advanced Placement Students
 17Admission from Outside Alberta

University Regulations and Information for Students
 20General University Policies
 21Classification of Students
 22Registration and Fees
 23Academic Regulations
 24Student Services
 25Code of Student Behaviour
 26Code of Applicant Behaviour

30Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences
40Faculty of Arts
50Augustana Faculty
60Faculty of Business
70Faculty of Education
80Faculty of Engineering
90Faculty of Extension
100Faculty of Law
110Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
120Faculty of Native Studies
130Faculty of Nursing
140Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
150Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation
160School of Public Health
170Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine
180Faculté Saint-Jean
191Faculty of Science

Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research
 200The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research
 201Members of the Faculty
 202General Information
 203Regulations of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research
 204Graduate Program Regulations
 205Graduate Programs
 210Graduate Financial Aid

Open Studies

Course Listings
 230Details of Courses
 231Course Listings


General Information
 241University History and Traditions
 242Constitution of the University
 243University Libraries
 244Alumni Association
 245Affiliated Colleges

University Staff
 250Continuing Academic Staff
 252Associate and Adjunct Staff
 253Honorary Degree Recipients