Office of the Registrar and Student Awards


The Professors


Members of the Faculty

31.2 Members of the Faculty

Officers of the Faculty


JJ Kennelly, PhD

Associate Dean (Academic)

N Kav, PhD

Associate Dean (Research)

W Dixon, PhD

Assistant Dean (Administration)

J Carss, BSc

Assistant Dean (Development)

K Crocker, MBA

Assistant Dean (International)

M Gomez-Wu, BA

Senior Development Officer

K Irwin, BCom

Communications Director

M Proulx, BA

Development Coordinator

K Horricks

Manager of Student Services

J Bohun, MA

Recruitment Officer

M Brooks, MBA

Research Facilitator

L Secchia-Ballanyi, BA

Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science

Professor and Chair

E Okine, PhD


J Aiken, PhD

D Ambrose (ARD Professor)

R Bell, PhD

M Belosevic (Cross Appointment with Biological Sciences)

EW Bork, PhD (Mattheis Chair in Rangeland Ecology & Management)

C Chan, PhD (Joint Appointment with Physiology)

WT Dixon, PhD

L Dosdall, PhD

CJ Field, PhD

M Gänzle, Dr rer nat (Canada Research Chair in Food Microbiology)

L Goonewardene (ARD Professor)

C Jobin, PhD (CAIP Chair in Nutrition, Microbes and Gastrointestinal Health)

N Kav, PhD

JR King, PhD (Joint Appointment with Renewable Resources)

DR Korver, PhD

LJ McCargar, PhD

LM McMullen, PhD

MA Naeth, PhD (Joint Appointment with Renewable Resources)

JA Ozga, PhD

L Ozimek, PhD

G Plastow, PhD

FE Robinson, PhD (Vice Provost and Dean of Students)

D Spaner, PhD

F Temelli, PhD

T Vasanthan, PhD

WR Weselake, PhD (Canada Research Chair in Agricultural Biotechnology)

RC Yang, PhD (ARD Professor)

R Ziljstra, PhD

Associate Professors

B Ametaj, PhD

D Barreda, PhD (Joint Appointment with Science)

M Betti, PhD

D Bressler, PhD

HL Bruce, PhD

J Buteau, PhD

L Casey, PhD (Cross Appointment with Pediatrics)

L Chen, PhD

J Curtis, PhD

M Dyck, PhD

A Farmer, PhD

L Gramlich, PhD (Cross Appointment with Medicine)

L Guan, PhD

L Hall, PhD

C Li, PhD (AAFC Associate Professor)

D Mager, PhD (Joint Appointment with Pediatrics)

V Mazurak, PhD

S Miller, PhD (Secondment with U of Guelph)

M Oba, PhD

S Proctor, PhD

H Rahman, PhD

P Stothard, PhD

SS Strelkov, PhD

D Vine, PhD

Z Wang, PhD

N Willows, PhD

WV Wismer, PhD

J Wu, PhD

M Zuidhof, PhD

Assistant Professors

M Aranda Saldana, PhD

C Bench, PhD

C Fitzsimmons, PhD (AAFC Assistant Professor)

R Jacobs, PhD

A Ullah, PhD

B Willing, PhD

Adjunct Professors

J Aalhus, PhD

G Ball, PhD

VE Baracos, PhD

J Basarab, PhD

K Beauchemin, PhD

H Beckie, PhD

E Beltranena, PhD

S Blade, PhD

V Carney

K Chang, PhD

P Doyle, PhD

A Haqq

N Harker, PhD

M Hills, PhD

RJ Howard, PhD

SF Hwang, PhD

S Markus, PhD

J Matte, PhD

TA McAllister, PhD

R Mosenthin, PhD

S Moore, PhD

FM Nattress, PhD

J O’Donovan, PhD

P Robson, PhD

AL Schaefer, PhD

A Schieber, PhD

S Shah, PhD

S Sharma, PhD

M Swift, PhD

K Turkington, PhD

J Turner, PhD

C Willenborg, PhD

Professors Emeriti

AW Bailey, PhD

RO Ball, PhD

TK Basu, PhD

JP Bowland, PhD

KG Briggs, PhD

RJ Christopherson, PhD

MT Clandinin, PhD

E Donald, PhD

JJ Feddes, PhD

G Foxcroft, PhD

M Gee

RT Hardin, PhD

Z Hawrysh, PhD

C Hiruki, PhD

P Jelen, PhD

JJ Leonard, PhD

H Knowles, PhD

M Makarechian, PhD

GW Mathison, PhD

B Ooraikul, PhD

MA Price, PhD

W Sauer, PhD

JS Sim, PhD

MS Spencer, PhD

P Sporns, PhD

ME Stiles, PhD

GR Stringam, PhD

JP Tewari, PhD

E Toop, PhD

VH Vandenborn, PhD

P Walton, PhD

Administrative Officers

J Bell, PhD

R Smith, PhD

Faculty Service Officers

U Basu, PhD

H Bates, MSc

J Duke, PhD

M Ho, PhD

B Irving, PhD

R Uwiera, PhD

C Wilkinson, DVM

Human Ecology

Associate Professor and Chair

D Williamson, PhD


J Fast, PhD

N Keating, PhD

B Lemire, PhD, Henry Marshall Tory Chair (Joint Appointment with History and Classics)

Associate Professors

R Breitkreuz, PhD

A Oak, PhD

B Skrypnek, PhD

G Song, PhD

Assistant Professors

A Bissonette, PhD

P Dashora, PhD

M Johnson, PhD

R McQueen, PhD

M Strickfaden, PhD

Adjunct Professors

SA Chapman, PhD

P Devlieger, PhD

B deVries, PhD

R Gokiert, PhD

J Gierveld, PhD

M Hardy, PhD

M Mayan, PhD

G Renwick, PhD

L Schnirer, PhD

R Wickman, PhD

Professors Emeriti

W Adams

L Capjack, MSc

M Cox-Bishop, PhD

EM Crown, PhD

T Dennis, MSc

E Empey

N Gibson, PhD

A Kernaleguen, PhD

N Kerr, PhD

D Kieren, PhD

B Munro, PhD

R Renner

E Richards, PhD

Administrative Officer

L Moran, MSc

Faculty Service Officers

J Batcheller, PhD

V Blinova, PhD

K Chandler, MSc

Renewable Resources

Professor and Chair

VJ Lieffers, PhD


PG Comeau, PhD

M Flannigan, PhD

RF Grant, PhD

F He, PhD (Canada Research Chair in Biodiversity & Landscape Modeling)

JR King, PhD (Joint Appointment with Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science)

SE Macdonald, PhD

SA Quideau, PhD

MA Naeth, PhD (Joint Appointment with Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science)

F Schmiegelow, PhD

B Shotyk, PhD (Bocock Chair in Agriculture and Environment)

U Silins, PhD

JR Spence, PhD

J Zwiazek, PhD

Associate Professors

GW Armstrong, PhD

D Davidson, PhD (Joint Appointment with Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology)

N Erbilgin, PhD (Canada Research Chair in Forest Entomology)

AL Foote, PhD (Joint Appointment with Devonian Botanic Garden)

U Hacke, PhD (Canda Research Chair in Tree-Water Relations)

A Hamann, PhD

S Landhausser, PhD (NSERC/Capital Power/Oilsands Industrial Research Chair in Forest Land Reclamation)

Assistant Professors

M Dyck, PhD

G Hernandez Ramirez, PhD

MD Mackenzie, PhD

S Nielsen, PhD

M Poesch, PhD

S Ryu, PhD

T Siddique, PhD

Adjunct Professors

ME Alexander, PhD

A Anderson, PhD

A Anyia, PhD

MA Arshad, PhD

V Baron, PhD

J Bhatti, PhD

LN Carbyn, PhD

H Carcamo, PhD

T Faechner, PhD

J Gould, PhD

B Grover, PhD

RJ Hall, PhD

EH Hogg, PhD

G Holroyd, PhD

A Jobson, PhD

D Khasa, PhD

B Kishchuk, PhD

D Locky, PhD

S Malhi, PhD

K Mallett, PhD

G McKenna, PhD

L Morgantini, PhD

M Parisien, PhD

B Pinno, PhD

M Powell, PhD

S Pruss, PhD

S Song, PhD

MG Sullivan, PhD

B Thomas, PhD

M Tyree, PhD

B White, PhD

Professors Emeriti

A Bailey, PhD

JA Beck, PhD

P Blenis, PhD

JR Butler, PhD

DS Chanasyk, PhD

F Cook, PhD

P Crown, PhD

BP Dancik, PhD

KW Domier, PhD

MJ Dudas, PhD

AK Hellum, PhD

NG Juma, PhD

G Kachanoski, PhD

FV MacHardy, PhD

B McQuitty, PhD

M Micko, PhD

PJ Murphy, MScF

MPK Nyborg, PhD

S Pawluk, PhD

JA Robertson, PhD

RL Rothwell, PhD

S Titus, PhD

GR Webster, PhD

RW Wein, PhD

P Woodard, PhD

FC Yeh, PhD

Administrative Officers

S Gooding, BSc

RL Longworth, BA (Hon), BSc

Faculty Service Officers

J Acorn, MSc

R Belland, PhD (Joint Appointment with Devonian Botanic Garden)

Y Feng, PhD

R Pelletier, MSc, MA

Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology

Professor and Chair

B Swallow, PhD


WL Adamowicz, PhD

E Bielawski, PhD

PC Boxall, PhD

EW Goddard, PhD (Cooperative Chair in Agricultural Marketing and Business)

SR Jeffrey, PhD

NT Krogman, PhD

MK Luckert, PhD

Associate Professors

S Anders, PhD

DJ Davidson, PhD (Joint Appointment with Renewable Resources)

P Marcoul, PhD

S Mohapatra, PhD

J Parkins, PhD

J Rude, PhD

JR Unterschultz, PhD

Assistant Professors

H An, PhD

F Qiu, PhD

BL Parlee, PhD (Joint Appointment with Native Studies)

B Wichmann, PhD

Distinguished Scholar in Residence

S McClellan

Adjunct Professors

H Bjornlund

R Bollman

S Cash, PhD

S Gerking

G Hauer, PhD

CG Jardine, PhD

H Krahn, PhD

BL McFarlane, PhD

R Haluza-Delay, PhD

R Mitchell

R Naidoo, PhD

TK Nilsson, PhD

FJ Tough, PhD

M Weber, PhD

B White, PhD

D Yemshanov

Professors Emeriti

DS Gill, PhD

MH Hawkins, PhD

ML Lerohl, PhD

WE Phillips, PhD

JJ Richter, PhD

MM Veeman, PhD

TS Veeman, PhD

Search the Calendar:

Table of Contents

Calendar Home Page
Notices, Errata, Addendum, 2013-2014 PDF Calendar, 2012-2013 Calendar, Previous Calendars, University Policy Gateway

Welcome from the President


Academic Schedule
 11Major Deadlines from the 2013-2014 Academic Schedule
 11.1Academic Schedule 2013-2014 (monthly listing of academic events on campus)

Undergraduate Application Deadlines for Admission and Readmission

Undergraduate Admission
 13 Admission to Undergraduate Programs
 14General Admission Requirements
 15Admission Requirements by Faculty
 16Admission for International Baccalaureate and Advanced Placement Students
 17Admission from Outside Alberta

University Regulations and Information for Students
 20General University Policies
 21Classification of Students
 22Registration and Fees
 23Academic Regulations
 24Student Services
 25Code of Student Behaviour
 26Code of Applicant Behaviour

30Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences
40Faculty of Arts
50Augustana Faculty
60Faculty of Business
70Faculty of Education
80Faculty of Engineering
90Faculty of Extension
100Faculty of Law
110Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
120Faculty of Native Studies
130Faculty of Nursing
140Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
150Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation
160School of Public Health
170Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine
180Faculté Saint-Jean
191Faculty of Science

Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research
 200The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research
 201Members of the Faculty
 202General Information
 203Regulations of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research
 204Graduate Program Regulations
 205Graduate Programs
 210Graduate Financial Aid

Open Studies

Course Listings
 230Details of Courses
 231Course Listings


General Information
 241University History and Traditions
 242Constitution of the University
 243University Libraries
 244Alumni Association
 245Affiliated Colleges

University Staff
 250Continuing Academic Staff
 252Associate and Adjunct Staff
 253Honorary Degree Recipients